Twitter & Pownce seem to be comparable microblogging tools, in regards to their setup and main functions. It seems as though Twitter is best for short, text-type messages (since there is a character limit) between friends and family. There is also the option to send those messages to a cell phone, which could be convenient for those who really want to stay in touch with everyone. Personally, I would not be interested in the messages to the cell phone idea, because I think receiving all those messages would make me nuts, and I do not need to know everyone's business every second of the day.
I did enjoy Pownce more due to the fact that you can attach files and photos, in addition to the text and links. I also found Pownce to be more asthetically pleasing to the eye. From a teacher standpoint, Pownce would be great for teachers from specific disciplines to share ideas and files with eachother. Then, one could acquire ideas from those outside of their schools and districts. All in all, if I was to continue the use of one of the microblogging tools, I would continue using Pownce.
'Learning in a Time of Abundance' (Chapter 5 & 6)
8 months ago